Found on the Web
We Surf So You Don't Have To


Found on the Web is hosted by Dreamhost and has been since November 2004. Prior to that, we bounced around from Web host to Web host. We just couldn’t find one that suited us adequately. That is, until we chanced upon Dreamhost.

Why are we so fond of Dreamhost?

  • Unparalleled value: the plan we’re on gives us 500 GB of storage and 5 TB of bandwidth per month. Plus they both increase every month you stay there: we’re up to 572.7 GB of storage and 11.6 TB of bandwidth! (Apparently, we’re on a much less generous plan than you can get right now. Lucky you!)
  • Unlimited domains: you get a free domain for as long as you maintain your plan—Found on the Web is our freebie!—but you can host as many domains as you want within that single plan. And unlike some Web hosting plans, each domain is fully separate—there’s no .htaccess trickery to maintain. You can strike while the inspiration is hot without worrying about running into your hosting plan limits!
  • Custom control panel: the Dreamhosters have built their own hosting control panel and it’s really an amazing piece of work. You can set up MySQL, view your usage, check your affiliate referrals, and even do Web-based FTP (though why would you!) I’ve seen enough control panels in my day to know that this one is singular.
  • Outstanding support: Dreamhost excels at communication. From their forthright and often hilarious blog to their off-network status page to their speedy support by email, I’ve always felt comfortable knowing that they were there for me. I’ve had a couple technical problems that I couldn’t handle and they resolved them within hours of initial contact.
  • One-click installs: they’ve got a unique feature that will completely set up and configure various Web applications with a single click. You can go from an idea for a Web site to execution within minutes. And once you’ve used the one-click installer, those same Web applications can be one-click upgraded using the exact same interface. It’s wonderful!
  • Umm, damn!: that’s the best way I can summarize their new, simplified plan structure. Look at all that you get for just $10.95 per month if you go monthly on down to $5.95 per month depending on how many years you prepay. The plan I’m on (long since phased out) was $15.95 per month if you prepay two years at a time. And this new plan has everything mine does. *sigh*

So sign up today and start getting your money’s worth in hosting. You won’t regret it!