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In Seoul, retailer uses 3D QR codes and the sun to deliver discounts only during its quiet times: that is tremendously clever.


The Best Thing This Year: a mailing list where members are only allowed to post one email a year. So far so good.


Hyperbolic Upgrade Stickers: fun, realistic stickers that will reward careful readers.


ZeroN – Levitated Interaction Element: nifty little demo.


Easy Macro Cell Lens Band: this looks very handy. {via}

25 Handy Words That Simply Don’t Exist In English: love these sorts of lists. {via}


Drive a Tank: they absolutely need to franchise this. These prices seem quite reasonable.


Super Soaker Central: my childhood would have been so much better had this sort of thing existed back then.

Man completes triathlon – juggling: come on, only two balls while biking?! You can do better than that.


I might regret asking this, but Reddit break out those throwaway accounts because if you could be brutally honest with your SO what would you say?: yowza.


Easy Macro Cell Lens Band: impressive and so clever. {via}

23 and 1/2 hours – What is the single best thing we can do for our health?: no spoiler here.


Fetus Soap: no, not something to clean your fetus. Just click. {via}


Download Kindle Best Sellers for Free – Zero Dollar Books: a surprising selection.

How to make any elevator an express to your floor: I can’t vouch for this since I live in a town (Phoenix) where most buildings have less than three floors.


Zorbing: now I know the name.


Throwaway time! What’s your secret that could literally ruin your life if it came out?: chilling stuff.


INCREDIBOX: enh, kinda cool, I guess.


The Fresh Prince of Downton Abbey: I recently got into Downton Abbey and so I naturally like this.