No LOL cat T-shirt: those LOL cats are so demeaning to felines.
Baconnaise: for those times when straight mayonnaise isn’t enough. Improbably, also available in “lite.”
Fly-Powered Model Airplane: if anyone says this is cruel to flies, I’m going to go nuts.
3M Performance Plus 8979N Nuclear Grade 48-Millimeter-by-54.8-Meter Duct Tape, Slate Blue: more great Amazon reviews.
Dinosaurs Fucking Robots: it’s exactly what you’d expect, you sicko. Probably NSFW.
“1000 is the new 10”: so brilliant and obvious in hindsight.
Nazis in Color: color really brings out the evil. (One picture with Nazi boobies towards the end of a long sequence.)
Soft Paws: stunned, I am.
Wizrocklopedia: blog about wizard rock. In other news, there is such a thing as “wizard rock.” {via}
Google PowerMeter: it’s coming and I’m excited to see what they’ve created.
Level Crossing Man: missed it by that much.
This is why you’re fat: oh my goodness. My stomach is churning just looking at some of these pictures.
“Zimbabwe revalues currency again”: by fiat, lops off 12 zeroes—that’s a trillion folks. Inflation is unofficially at 658 billion percent; unemployment is at 94%. {via}
It’s a Small World (2009 version): finally re-opened and with 100% more Disney and Pixar character placement than before. It’s all done quite well (except for Lilo and Stitch).
Cornify: make any site suitable for little girls to visit.