Walmartopia: I hesitate to even link to it, but it had me laughing out loud at how ridiculous the premise is. This interview with the producers confirmed that the inanity was there from the start. Anti-Wal-Mart sentiments bug me greatly since it’s not like Wal-Mart’s 1.8 million employees have guns to their heads or the customers contributing to its $312 billion in sales were forced to shop there.
“‘Star Wars’ lightsaber will fly aboard shuttle”: umm, what was that? The “lightsaber” used in the 1977 movie will be flown aboard the space shuttle and not brought out once stowed. Okay. Chewbacca delivered it? Okay. This is a “not infrequent” occurrence for museums? WTF!
Elements of Style Movie: gack, what a dreadful sort of film. I don’t know what I was expecting from a short film version of Strunk and White’s classic, but it sure wasn’t that.
This to That: adhesive web app. Or, the anti-Web 2.0 site. But it’s missing bone and flesh?! {via}
Moan My IP: uhh. NSFW.
How to Hide an Airplane Factory: this would never work nowadays but what a neat effect.
The Wrath of the Secretrons: yay, a critique of The Secret.
Drop Kick Big: this decade’s goatse, mayhap?
Top Gear’s Carbage: why must people ruin cars with their mods? Because they can? Oh, okay.
The MP3 Experiment Four: especially check out the time-lapse shot. Not as good as Slow-Mo Home Depot, but still quite funny.
Trunki: a ride-on suitcase for kids. I like the idea.
Monkey Suicide: go there to watch the sock monkey get it. Boy does that sound dirty. I can easily see how this got started.
Tango: $108,000 for an ugly kit car that may or may not include the batteries to power it? Sign me up!
Personali-Tees: some funny, some truly tasteless, and some horrible.
The Ryde: surf shirts, if that’s your thing.
Celebrity Car Parade: finally a celebrity gossip site I can stomach!
8/14/2007 Advertisement: that is absolutely hilarious. They certainly know their audience. {via}
Comments on “How many 5 year-olds could you take on at once?”: I know I covered this before, but this is some new discussion on the subject. This comment is certainly one aspect I’d never considered.
Sea Lion Irish Dance Contest: I think it was fixed.
Last Exit to Nowhere: t-shirts inspired by movies.
JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank: the reviews are absolutely hilarious!
[UPDATE (8/9/2007): Here’s the official site for the ‘Donk. {via}]
“Parents tricked by Baby Einstein”: that’s not going to be good for business.
Chris Thrash Videos: the man owns a full set of Rockafire Explosion animatronic characters from Showbiz Pizza and has reprogrammed them to sing contemporary songs! {via}
Fake Daniel Lyons: saw that one coming.
“A Mystery Solved: ‘Fake Steve’ Blogger Comes Clean”: sigh, it was definitely better not knowing his identity. Most interesting tidbit in the article: “[Mr. Jobs] said in an instant message conversation that he had no interest in reading Mr. Lyons’s novel.” [Emphasis mine.]
Webb Alert: the new RocketBoom, but with more annoying facial movements. Blech.
Google Calculator – “1 + number of horns on a unicorn”: yields two. Exactly as you’d expect. {via}
LOLcat of Death: and new life is breathed into this meme. {via}