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We Surf So You Don't Have To


Frog Kitty: funny enough.

“Wal-Mart Chief Writes Off New York”: that is freaking redonkulous. Labor leader: “We don’t need Wal-Mart.” People who would have shopped there: “Fuck you.”

OMG WTF: now that is a great set of costumes.

Driving Directions from Stanford, California to Stockholm, Sweden: item number 33 seems to be the tricky part.


What is Your Permanent Age?: another inciteful, thought-provoking entry from Scott Adams. I am 30 (always have been) and live in the future.

Irrational Public Radio: oh my God! This is some great parody of NPR.

Best Buy Manager Tries to Void Xbox Warranty: mean-spirited is putting it mildly.

[UPDATE: Reading through the comments, I have to agree that this one is the best return story I’ve heard.]

Free Comic Book Day: I know what I won’t be doing May 5th.

Why You Shouldn’t Follow Directions Too Closely?: this is a special kind of stupid. I don’t care if it was staged because it’s just as funny if someone specifically wanted it done that way.

Listen to a Movie: audio of movies and TV shows for those of us who have to work. Get it while it still exists, for I think it will be short-lived.

Bears: online site for a book of photographs of bears turned inside out and restuffed. It’s a little creepy and a little bit what’s-the-market-for-such-a-book.

Fucking Short Versions of Movies: wow, Yahoo Directory has some utility! This is a good category.

Fold School: how-to cardboard furniture for kids. It’s sort-of neat, but you’d have to be pretty cheap to use this primarily.

Infamous Moments in Saturday Night Live History: it’s amazing how many of these I’ve watched.

Scott Adams’ Happiness Formula: thought-provoking guide to happiness expressed as an equation. Now with more wiki.


Hacking John McCain: oh, I I loves me a bandwidth pirate thumping. Doubly so when it’s agin’ a politician.


MMM: video of Rachael Ray saying “mmm” over 30 times. It’s like a test of endurance. I almost made it to the end without crying. {via}

Scribd: excellent PDF repository. {via}

Endless Tangents: certainly true sometimes.

Uncivil Servants: blog about civil servants parking illegally in New York City. Maybe that gets your goat.

Trucking Accident Attorney Blog: sadly, it’s an accurate description rather than a clever name. I guess there’s a blog for everything now.

AirToons: I’ve mentioned them before, but it looks like they’ve added more content and non-airline safety images.

The Stan Laurel Correspondence Archive Project: who knew that he was so prolific. Or that anyone cared enough to scan them in.


What Should I Say?: sort of like a more-specific Ask MetaFilter, this site expands your circle of advisors considerably. {via}

Maraka: Dora spoof from Robert Smigel on last night’s Saturday Night Live. Hilarious!

[UPDATED (9/7/2011): Changed the YouTube link to Hulu since the YT video was removed.]


The Passenger: little Flash game about driving the streets of Paris in a MINI. {via}


Mini Turbo: 220 HP on a classic Mini!?! I can’t even imagine.


Rent a Village: your company can lease an entire village in Switzerland, Austria, or Germany or the entire country of Liechtenstein. {via}


The Criterion Contraption: blog containing reviews of the DVDs in the Criterion Collection, one at a time. Awesome!

Discover Magazine‘s Archive: they’ve opened up their complete archives, right back to 1992. How nice! {via}

The Great Global Warming Swindle: ooo, available for free online. This documentary examines the notion that global warming might not be man-made. Let the heresy take hold!


Sea World California: no posting next week. May I suggest what Google calls similar sites?

Driving LED Emoticon: I have got to have this! Think of the road rage I could provoke.

March 17th: hard to believe it’s been a year of The Show. I’m two months behind, I think.


Where Da Gold At?: site dedicated to the bizarre events surrounding a leprechaun sighting in Mobile, Alabama. Did I say bizarre events? I meant bizarre people. {via}

Mr. Deity: decent little show that pokes all-too-gentle fun at Christianity. {via}

New Application Certification Program – “It Works on My Machine”: every app I write would qualify for this one, that’s for sure.

MyShape: clothing shopping site that supposedly takes the guesswork out of online clothes shopping. “Does it fit” is certainly the Achilles heel of the online clothing industry. {via}


iPhone Commercial: mmm, iPhone. Is there anything it can’t do? {via}

The Onion Infograph on The Secret: awesome peg-removal of The Secret (Wikipedia entry).


Jungle Crazy: front to that features items that are 70% or more off the MSRP. Wicked cool!


The Stereoscopic Skin Clinic: this is really freaking me out. {via}

1337 Day: it’s today. Behold the power of arbitrarily-arranged numbers!

Beating the EPA: a guide to hypermiling by one of its foremost practitioners. {via}

Tunes in Simlish: OMFG, three Barenaked Ladies tracks done entirely in Simlish. That’s even better than Lilly Allen’s Smile.


MINI Cooper S Truck: hot on the heels of this entry, this one is a modern MINI redone as a pickup. I like it! {via}

“Home becomes an ‘island’ in building row”: the picture says it all.

Paper Pilot: I can’t quite get the hang of the proper balance between angle and power. Maybe a few more hours will fix that. {via}


Programming Theorems: too true.


Hot Chicks with Douche Bags: douche bags and the girls that love ’em. {via}

Google Maps: herd of camels?


Sophie Cat: billed as the “cutest cat in the world.” I don’t know if that’s official, though.

Ghostbusters Prop Archive: make your own ghostbusting equipment. {via}

Dynamite Surfing: but what about the little fishies? {via}

LibriVox: I’ve written about them before, but they deserve another mention since their catalog has grown so dramatically. {via}


World Mapper: interesting maps that purport to show exactly how bad the United States is. Because we’re bigger on the maps. It’s disgusting, really. {via}

The VOCO Clock: has 50 phrases recorded by Stephen Fry to wake you up politely. I have no idea who Stephen Fry is (even went to his IMDB page) but he sounds British and I know there’s some Brits in my reading audience.

Stitch ‘N’ Bitch: knitting groups around the world. Snarkiness is probably a requirement.

Conan Walker Lever: I had completely forgotten about the lever. Conan milks it for all it’s worth. {via}

3/5/2007 advocates for the nude slumber.

LoudLit: public domain books and public domain audio. Can’t beat the price!

Chad Vader: Darth’s little brother. He’s a manager at a grocery store. (Damn work blocked me from watching the episodes, so this entry may go away if they stink.) {via}

Roast My Weenie: wow, who would actually want one of these? {via}


PC vs. Mac: well-done spoofs of the great Apple commercials where the PC wins. {via}

Book Tribes: community site for bibliophiles to compile their lifetime reading lists and share with others.

The Cliché Rotation Project: get your updated clichés right here. See also.


Nina Gordon Cover of Straight Outta Compton: ahh, the juxtaposition of genres. I think credit should go to “Weird” Al Yankovic for starting this musical format—for those who aren’t familiar, he always has one track on his albums where he sets popular songs to accordion in a polka style.

Baby Got Back Music Video: Sir Mixalot’s notorious music video set to Jonathan Coulton’s cover. This is the best mashup I’ve ever come across. You absolutely must watch this. {via}

[UPDATE: More great Jonathan Coulton music videos.]

Heart Attack Grill: now serving cheesecake. And, oh yeah, hamburgers.

826 National Stores: charming chain of writing workshops masquerading as crazy-ass retail stores. {via}

Netflix “Watch Now” Early Access: there’s a link that gets you access to streaming movies now instead of having to wait until the general rollout in June. Worked for me!

[UPDATE: Looks like they’ve closed that right off. Sorry.]

Pi Day: it’s coming up! It’s 3/14 if you’re stupid.


Self-Void: this is a friend’s gaming blog. He’s been on quite a tear lately and has some great entries if you’re into WoW.

Yourhighness Morgan: I think the name alone would provoke someone to bulk up and become a linebacker.

Ask a Biologist: forum for people to ask biologists (presumably) questions and get answers. {via}

EvoWiki: Wikipedia-style site dedicated to understanding the theory of evolution. {via}

Mini V-8: guy took an old Mini pickup chassis and reconstructed it with a V-8 engine. Sadly, no video or real stats on the dramatic change.