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I Fucked Ann Coulter in the Ass, Hard: erotic fiction starring Ann Coulter. Not safe for work, but hilarious overall. {via}

[UPDATE (5/30/05): And now there’s a follow-up entitled Back in Ann Coulter’s Ass-Saddle Again.]

Inappropriately Dressed: a new blog about the questionable fashion choices people make every day. Warning: shockingly poor cameraphone evidence. {via}


Goatse T-Shirt: ordered! {via}


eBay Auction of X-Wing: it’s a life-sized X-Wing fighter from a Star Wars promotional tour. It doesn’t fly (duh) and it’s basically just plywood. A steal at $40,000. {via}

The Trebuchet Page: catapult fun. Huge catapult fun. {via}

The Essence of Douchebag: a picture is worth a thousand words in this cautionary tale of douchebaggery. {via} Search Plugin for Firefox: in the words of Paris Hilton, this is hot.

Pirates Store: arrr, for all your swashbuckling needs. {via}

Threadbared: mocking the patterns of the past. {via}


Unborn Baby Ornament: it’s a fetus holding a machine gun in a plastic uterus. Uhhhh. {via}

Kama Sutra Animated GIFs: if you’re not familiar with the Kama Sutra, it’s not safe for work. Kottke called it the hamster dance of sex. I think that’s about right. {via}


Elameno Tees: weird, simple t-shirts.

GTD with Gmail: now that’s an interesting way to use Gmail. I can’t remember the last time I logged in to it, but I might just start using it as an adjunct to the Hipster PDA. Here’s parts 2, 3, and 4. Oh and if you don’t know what GTD is, then I don’t have time to elaborate. Here’s the book.

Aardvark Firefox Extension: ooo, that’s some nice extending. It’s like the great Web Developer extension but with more interactivity.

Simpsons Music: all the songs from The Simpsons here for your infringing convenience.

Essential Fonts for Designers: 300 free fonts. And good ones, at that.

Google Tutor – Voyeur Heaven: use the power of Google’s indexer for your own sick purposes.

Goatse Rescue Floppy: put goatse on a floppy disk for pranking fun (and possible workplace harassment charges).


Songs in PowerPoint: I dig this. {via}


Pottymouth Shop: apparel for parents who want to put words in their child’s mouth.

“We Are Idiots”: that’s a good idea. He and some of his friends went to one of those Schiavo protests/whatever and held up their own signs. Awesome! {via}

The Wal-Mart Game: it is a very diverse clientele. {via}

Darth Vader’s Blog: oddly amusing in its banality.


Securing Mac OS X: this guide for the National Security Agency will really tighten down OS X, which is already pretty tight as it is. May I suggest the Windows XP one instead?

Satellite Fun: looking for quirkiness more so than touristy places.

Manic T-Shirts: some pretty twisted ones here.

Maudie’s Domain: German site devoted (and I mean that) to Maude Flanders from The Simpsons. Creepy!

Camera Mail Project: guy mailed a packaged camera from Baltimore to Oregon with external instructions for the postal workers to take pictures with it.

Standpoint: if I were a brainless liberal, I’d be all over these t-shirts.

Dinosaur Comics T-Shirts: I don’t know, just go there and see what they have.

Defunker: hip, interesting t-shirts.

Amazon Free MP3 Downloads: free is great.

Abstinence Only: as they put it, a “celebration of non-penetration.” I’m pretty sure this is tongue-in-cheek. {via}


La Fraise: some good ones, some geek ones.

Vintage T-Shirts: funny shirts, many inappropiate.

Django Reinhardt Videos: incredible guitarist. I’ve got a few CDs and he’s even more impressive when you can watch him.


Secret Creatures: tons of shirts. The proprietor is the creator of Agyris and quite a talented artist. My favorite is “Come Shower at My Place”.


Mentat Wiki: wiki about how to be a better thinker. Could be useful for mnemonics and the like. {via}

How to Survive a Zombie Attack: this guide could surely have saved countless movie extras’ lives.

[UPDATE: There’s also a book (not by the same guy, though).]

Split Reason: purveyors of fine geek apparel.

Everyday Tips: there’s some real gems in here.

Scrolling LED Belt Buckle: it can hold up to six different messages of 256 characters each. And it’s certainly big enough for the people who like big buckles (who may not be the same people that would want this).

Diesel Sweeties: funny t-shirts including “Chewie is My Co-Pilot” and “Jesus Helps Me Trick People”.

Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker Comedy Glossary: it’s great to know that comedy writers have developed their own argot.

Dry Ice Experiments: who knew that frozen carbon dioxide could be such fun?

Third Reich Ruins: the remains of Hitler’s regime (minus the swastikas).


Where’s George?: you don’t know where that’s been. Until now, Chester. {via}

Loch Ness Tooth: oh gee, he only has pictures of Nessie’s tooth and a unverifiable story. Oh and the “authorities” took most of his film. Uh huh. {via}

The Oops List: pictures of things gone wrong. {via}

Glorieta and Raton Passes – Gateways to the Southwest: pretty interesting site from the National Park Service.

L.A. Bars of the 40s, 50s, and 60s: showcases Los Angeles-area hotels, restaurants, and bars that were built in that era or still have original areas from that era.


Don’t Push the Button!: I did. Damn.

Guide to Taking a Dump at Work: we’ve got an out of the closet pooper at my office. {via}

Pay Off My Credit Cards with Online Poker: gambling to pay off your debts. I’d like to put $20 on him not being successful at this.

Car Stuck Girls: hot spinning tire action! I’m pretty sure I don’t get this. It’s safe for work, as far as I can tell.

Jesus Swimming: where’s he going? {via}


30 Great Westerns: I’ve seen a respectable 19 of the 30. There’s some omissions, but that’s true of any finite list of bests. {via}

Imaginary Girlfriends: for when you can’t get the real thing and you’re overly concerned with what others think. {via}

Christian Shirts: my favorite is “Just Say No to Evolution”—by all means! {via}

Complete Guide to G.I. Joe: well, knowing is half the battle. Here’s a brief overview if you’re short of time. {via}

Compaq Tech Support – Where’s the Any Key?: I liked Homer’s version better. {via}

Bacon Bandages: makes me want to get injured so I could wear them. {via}

Queen of Swords: biting commentary on fundamentalist web sites and books.

How to Cut: instructions for cutting just about every type of vegetable.


GeekProm: I’m geek and I’m proud. {via}

Visible Barbie Project: what’s inside Barbie, but not from Cockeyed. {via}

The Birds at the Races: don’t know precisely where this occurred, but it does confirm why I hate birds. {via}

Harrison Ford’s Finger Pointing: he’s dramatic, that’s for sure. {via}

Dan’s Domain Hall of Shame: repeat after me: .coms are for commercial entities. Necrotic equestrian flagellation: maybe I should make a new category for that.

Suggestions to Make CompUSA a Better Store: and that, friends, is why I never buy anything at CompUSA. It’s good to see something that you’ll buy online but that’s it.

SysWear: this is the best line of t-shirts I’ve seen in a long time. I like “My other computer is your Windows box.”, “In the time it took to read this a windows exploit was discovered..”, “Free the mallocs!”, and “That’s funny, it worked on my machine.”. Any of these would make suitable gifts for FotW sifters. If only my company allowed t-shirts…

Intuitor Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics: people who have never heard of artistic license.

Crappy Children’s Art Work: like Simon Cowell for the knee-biting set.

Crazy Dance Dance Revolution Video: this guy’s juggling while doing an impressive DDR performance. Killer!

Airport Announcements: I thought I had blogged this before. It’s about a guy crafting names that look authentic but sound dirty when spoken for use in airport paging announcements. And there’s audio samples of the results.

Mullet Marathon: uhh, oddly disconcerting.

Top Ten Priciest Neighborhoods: someone paid $160 million for a house!? How much does he think it’s going to appreciate? {via}

Rebate Tracking: excellent advice for collecting on the mail-in rebate. {via}

Piano Jokes: some real groaners here but maybe that’s your cup of tea.

Ball Droppings: cool little game.

The Onion Tips on Preparing a Living Will: hee hee! My favorites: “Comatose people have been shown to exhibit a brainstem-level response to music, so prepare a decade’s worth of mix tapes in advance” and “A living will is a great way to meet a notary public, if notaries public are your thing.”


Fred Flare: cool t-shirts like “Proud to be Awesome” and “You Can Count on Me”.

Upgrade My Wife: wow, what a sick bunch of people. If you give them any money, I’ll smack you. {via}

Rube Goldberg Battery Changer: 125 steps to change the batteries in a flashlight. {via}

Nipple Huggers: nipple jewelry for those who aren’t into self-mutilation. Umm, not really safe for work. {via}

The Apprentice Finalist Arrested: I’m guessing that Chris didn’t get the top spot.

Airline Napkin Wipeoreum: an “overlooked area of collecting.” That’s an understatement.


Sugar Bush Squirrel: I can’t decide which is more amazing/disturbing: a) the fact that the squirrel will pose for these pictures, b) the fact that someone would pose a squirrel for these pictures, or c) the fact that someone is actually making squirrel-sized outfits and scenes. {via}

SacFree Underwear: want your boys to hang low? Want them to wobble to and fro? {via}

Moist Towelette Online Museum: virtual waste of time. {via}

Scottsdale School Districts’ Re-titling: bus drivers shall henceforth be called “Transporters of Learners.” Quelle Scottsdale! {via}

Caltech vs. MIT: the latest round of pranks by the engineering school rivals. {via}

Perpendicular Animation: great example of what it would be like if Schoolhouse Rock sold out and started making hard drive manufacturer training videos instead. That’s the best I can do to describe it. {via}


La Fraise: some good t-shirts.

Sheets That Have Been Peed On: just what the title says. Nothing more, nothing less.

I Can Eat Glass Project: hopefully, they don’t require proof.

Dead Baby Cake: not made of dead babies, though. Thankfully. Unfortunately, the site’s bandwidth appears to have been exceeded. {via}

What to Do with My Cat: WTF?! A purse? WTF? This is real: the lady is a Dutch artist. {via}

History Buff: antique newspapers and other such historical goodies. {via}


DC Shoe Basketball Commercial: even if it’s an editing job, it’s an incredible editing job. {via}