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Bubblegum Alley: San Luis Obispo’s vile alley.

The Yuckiest Little Miniature Golf Course in the West: how’d they get five stars at Yahoo Travel then? I dispute that we’ve become “a stagnant cup of tepid urine” but his sample’s really small.


Finger Skating: two fingers, one little skateboard, and a video suitable for Fuel. {via}


Messing with Starbucks: this guy is an expert at manipulating corporate drones. Absolutely hilarious. It’s wrong on so many counts, but it’s hilarious.

Pump Up the Movie: remember when theater admonitions didn’t have their own web sites?

Photos from Towers: when visiting the Grand Canyon as a child, I was always entranced by those fire-watching towers. Not a particularly deep site, but interesting in its own way.


Karma Loop: more funny t-shirts, immoderately priced: Jesus Shaves, Black Belt, Keep the Dream Alive, and Unlucky.

Mistletoe Belt Buckle: for when you want to throw subtlety out the window. {via}

Tropical Islands Resort: like something out of The Truman Show, except in German. Great writeup at The Guardian. Die fotos are amazing. {via}

Moscow Metro Gallery: a massive gallery dedicated to Moscow’s subway.

Atkins Exposed: the truth behind the popular (and profitable) no-carb diet.

Most Amazing Crossword Ever: not a big fan of them myself, but this one’s pretty clever.


Stupid Questions Answered: occasionally featuring stupid answers. {via}

Corgishoe: thousands of Nikes. Weird, but who’s visiting it?


Wonderfully Wacky Stocking Stuffers: smoking baby, once-bitten cookie cutter, Truck Nutz, pregnant keychain, and cowboy boot pizza cutter among others. Delightful. (A little more expensive: Ballsy Bear and Boner)

Weapon of Mass Affection: great boy band parody. {via}

Anderson Mobile Estates: this isn’t your father’s mobile home. Whoa!


Publicis Caroling: I assume this was taken after the company Christmas party. {via}

Salary Clock: watch your income. The irony is quite tasty. {via}

Teeny Clay Oranges: but how do you make apples? {via}

Busted Tees: I couldn’t stop laughing at these t-shirts! They’re wrong, but oh so funny.

Shamings: a “museum of drunken defacement” that examines its two sides: the drunk who is vandalized and the “friend” doing the vandalizing.


Cheesy Gifts for Teachers: let’s hope your kids’ parents don’t see this! My wife once got a jar of honey—nothing special about it. {via}

Star Trek Knitting Patterns: Larry, you’ve been looking for a reason to take up knitting—here you are.

Messy Desk Contest: we’ve got a few nominees at my work.


Abandoned Stations: a fascinating (and incredibly documented) look at the remnants of New York’s subway system.

Beach Pneumatic: it’s like a well-research, extensive, and expanded version of the walls in a Subway restaurant.

iPod My Photo: this would look cool for a Christmas card. {via}


Poland at War: photographs from within Poland during the Nazi occupation.

Urban Asshole Notification Cards: in your face greetings. I love some of the shirts available elsewhere on the site: Dingo Snack, Food In, Poo Out, and Khaaaan!.


The Original Sushi Pillow: don’t be fooled by all those imitation sushi pillows! {via}


Urban Beast Project: showcasing the feral animals that inhabit our cities. Can’t say I’ve seen any of them, but it may be because I’m suburban.


Beer Logos in EPS: suitable for printing of any kind.

Watch Me Eat a Hot Dog: not me specifically, of course. There’s a free preview section for those of you who are too cheap to pay for membership. {via}

Cartoon Character Skeletons: I wouldn’t have guessed that Schmoo even had a skeleton. [NOTE: Navigation within the site is horribly broken, but adding the “www.” before “” in the URL works.]

[UPDATE (12/7/04): Site’s practically down. Mirror available.]


Harvard Sucks: well-executed college prank that will go down in the annals of college pranks.


eBay Homes: $13.5 million Tucson Home: it’s 25,000 square feet of domestic goodness, but it’s in Tucson. Pass. {via}

Annual Credit Report: the credit bureaus’ way to comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which went into effect today. TransUnion and Experian’s servers already appear to be swamped. Luckily, I got my Equifax report quickly.

How to use a hand puppet to get dates: if only I were single again, I would have ’em lined up with this advice. {via}

Random Drunken Party Pictures Sent to Me By Mistake: a glimpse into someone else’s life. {via}

Snarkywood: all snark, all the time. {via}

Staplers of the Stars: if you can’t have Jennifer Love Hewitt, at least you can have her stapler. The high bid as of now is, of course, Paris Hilton at $1,005. Geesh. {via}