I know a history professor at ASU that this story could be about.
If only I had found this site a week ago, I would have had a much funnier Christmas.
How is Santa Claus Coming to Town?: a consideration of the immigration and legal issues of Santa Claus’ annual visit to America.
UglyChristmasLights.com showcases the garish tastelessness that seems to pervade Christmas displays. Is restraint too much to ask? I, for one, can’t understand the design choices made by many Christmas celebrators, but respect the property rights that allow them to manifest their ostentation and tackiness.
Grown Up Soda: not just “colored sugar water”
It’s fine, I suppose, to embrace a presidential candidate and want him to win. But to commit your skin to someone who hasn’t even obtained the Democratic nomination seems idiotic.
Sightseer’s Guide to Engineering: Includes the sight I’ve always wanted to see but could never persuade my driving partner to visit.
Animals in the Colosseum: how’d they do that?
Recreating the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving: I just saw this special on Thanksgiving and I was struck by this strange dinner as well.
Queer Eye for the Medieval Man: funny!
Find a star whose light you see today started its journey on the day you were born. Or you can find out what stars were born on your birthday.
I don’t hesitate to call this list exhaustive.
Star Wars in 30 Minutes: sounds like an interesting idea. I wonder when Star Wars in 60 Minutes will be out to incorporate the new additions. The cast looks the parts, for sure.
Sure, they’re cheap but won’t donations drop when they start slinging feces?
BoycottGilette.com: my favorite line is “hidden cameras in GILLETTE spy shelves take mug shots of people who pick up their products!” The bastards!
FU H2 is a site dedicated to Hummer Hating. Let the envy commence!
I’m trying to decide if this is a better argument for the permanent extension of copyright (“Now also available in a ‘happy ending’ edition!”) or for the banality of our society (from the FAQ: “Aren’t you desecrating classic works of literature? Not at all. In fact we think we’re promoting people reading older works that might be neglected in favor of the latest fad. And what better way to get a young (or old!) person to read than give them a book starring themselves!”).
With the Bush Backdrop Generator you can create your own background signage and it’ll probably be as authentic and genuine as any of Bush’s other grassroots, spontaneous signs of support.
Stewardess Uniform Collection over at UniformFreak.com—winner of the aptest domain name award of the day.
The Brick Apple: my kind of town!
Need some shrooms? Straight out of the famous shiitake-growing regions of Arkansas is the Shiitake Center.
Bootleg toys: when the real thing is just too pricey and you don’t care about quality, appearance, or (sometimes) even similarity.
If you’re an auditor or someone who lives and dies in Microsoft Excel, you need to check out Pacelle, a fully-functioning Pac-Man game written in VBA and embedded as a macro in an Excel spreadsheet. There’s no virii, I’ve checked. Enjoy!
Disney Genealogy: WTF.