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Regular readers (you know who you are) have probably seen a number of postings on the Library of Congress’ American Memory site. If you’ve never visited the site, you’re truly missing out. It is a massive online representation of the treasures of the Library of Congress and they’re constantly adding more collections to their online presence.

The latest collection is An American Ballroom Companion: Dance Instruction Manuals, circa 1490-1920. Okay, okay, so it’s a little obscure but bear with me. Dancing now mostly evokes images of teenagers thrashing about or maybe of weddings, but it used to be a major social event and institution. So much so that there were tons of manuals covering its etiquette, protocols, and instruction.

For example, How to Dance from 1878 goes into voluminous detail about what amounts to trivia for us. People, though, used to eat this stuff up. It really gives you a feel for the past—and that’s the purpose of the American Memory site.


Regular readers (or irregular ones who just happened to read the previous message) may remember, the site whereby a girl named Karyn eBegged for money to help reduce her credit card debt. You may remember how I was giddy that she hadn’t received any money up to that point because her site is absolutely deplorable.

Times have changed. Karyn’s debt has gone down from $20,000 to under $2,000. That’s right, people have chipped in over $18,000 towards eliminating the consequences of her foolish actions. What’s more, they’ve sent a lot of other things to ease her plight like bath soaps, magazine subscriptions, food, and gift certificates. I can’t express my disgust.


Meet Thermy and Dewie.

If you fly a lot, I suggest you visit It currently only covers American, Continental, Delta, United, and US Airways. But what it does cover, it covers thoroughly.

For example, it shows the layout of the American Airlines Boeing 767 going to Hawaii and indicates which seats are “Very Good” and which seats are “Bad.” What’s particularly valuable though are the comments as you move your mouse over specific seats: “Seats 19 A,B are really bad seats, very poor legroom, reduced recline.” Now that you know, you can leave those seats for some other sucker!


Umm, Dognose Heaven anyone?

TV Acres purports to be the “Web’s ultimate subject guide to television program facts.” A quick glance of the site’s table of contents supports that contention!

From a list of police and firemen’s badge numbers to the role of elves in TV to words and phrases in other languages uttered on shows, this site really does have it all. offers up a forum for serious theme park visitors to share information. For example, we learn about Splash Mountain’s line issues, accidents on Indiana Jones, or that the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios is better at night.

Good stuff.